Croeso i Ddosbarth 2!

In this class your teacher is Mrs Sanderson. Learning is also supported by Miss Stokes, Mrs Everitt, Miss Davies and Miss Alloway.


Below is an overview of learning for the Autumn term.
Home Learning

Reading: Your children should read their home reading books / play their reading game at least three times per week. Please make a note in your child's reading diary every time you listen to them read. Please send reading folders to school on a Wednesday. If these have been completed at least three times, they will be changed and sent home again on a Friday.

 Seesaw: Children in Nursery, Reception and  Year 1 also use the ‘SeeSaw’ app to provide home learning opportunities for pupils.  Your child will have brought home a QR code to allow you to access their account. Please contact the school should you have any problems accessing the app or if you require another copy of the QR code.

You will need to install the SeeSaw Class app on an  iOS or Android device. Or go to on any computer in Chrome or Firefox browser.

  1. Choose I’m a Student.
  2. Scan your code using Seesaw’s QR code reader or type in the text code.

Home Learning will be emailed to you half-termly for your child to complete at a time to suit you. Responses should be uploaded to the Seesaw app and feedback will be given via a voicenote message.

Important Information

PE: PE is on Monday for Class 2. Children may wear their PE kit to school on Mondays; this should be black shorts / joggers and a white t-shirt. Children may also wear their house colour t-shirt if you prefer.

Snack: A healthy snack is available for children throughout the day. Please pay £1 per week via then School Gateway app to cover the cost of this.

Drinks: We encourage parents to provide their child with an additional drink of water to their packed lunch water, which they can drink throughout the day if they require it.  We ask that only still unflavoured water is provided in a named bottle.